Apr 7, 2006

Be(in)g Good

Life takes its own course sometimes. When I joined Microsoft, I was wondering what I was getting into. Life there was not too exciting. And then a friend's friend contacted me to startup a company. At first I was really excited about it, and quit MS so that I could startup. However, maybe the startup spirit is lacking in me, and seeing my current circumstances, I took a very difficult call of not going ahead with it. That left me in a bit of a tangle, as I had already quit.

However, everything in life seems to be connected. The company I finally joined is Good Technologies, a California based company.

Good had started its office in Hyderabad just a few months back ( late 2005). The work here is amazing ( have a look at their website), and the work culture is one of the best that i have been exposed to. Good was also my client when I was in Ruksun. So, when the guys there got to know that I was looking for a job after MS, they extended an offer to me. The feeling of working together was mutual.

If I had not gotten into Microsoft, I would not have come to Hyderabad. If I had not come to Hyderabad, I am sure that I would not have joined Good. Strange is the circle of life.

The current office is nothing great to look at. Its actually very bad compared to the US standards. However the change to new location will be happening over the next few months ... and then it should be an office where people would compete to get into.

So guys, just be Good eh ? ;-)

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