May 4, 2009

The Heat is On : Its a dogs life

I have got a lot of suggestions about the 'Heat is On' photography project I am doing. I am still to start taking around my camera for the pics, so all the shots till now are from the iPhone's camera - not too great quality. This weekend I was moving around , shifting to Dwarka, so did not get much pics.

Blazing Hot Evening

The sun setting on a very hot Delhi evening. Unfortunately the pic does not bring out the riot of colours that were painting the sky. And since I was in peak traffic times, I did not stop the car to take a pic from a good place. Next time for sure. :)

Glucose Drip for the Dog

On Saturday I had to go to the Sanjay Gandhi Memorial Animal Hospital , taking the Dog along. He had not eaten for 2 days and was flopping around , hardly moving. Sunday morning, I took him to the hospital, and he was put on the glucose drip. After him a few more dogs were put on glucose.

The trees are now coming in colour, and I will try to get those pics. I also need to start travelling with my camera always in my bag, else I miss some neat shots.


  1. A good start! You have inspired me to click a few snaps on the same theme --the hot summer-- in chennai though!

  2. @sukanya ! Good to know that someone got inspired by my attempt ! :D Looking forward to your Summer Heat pics. Do link me !

  3. Hey vibhu:
    Will surely share the pics with you.:-)I bumped into you on twitter as well. You are all over the place... man.
